One of my favorite T shirts says “These are difficult times” and then lists a few time signatures; but only one of them is actually difficult, the 11/16 (I modified my T shirt to add a 7 and a 5, more on those at a later date). Many years ago I worked out a way to play an 11 on a djembe, by alternating which hand plays the One beat. I came up with a flute part that made sense, and then 2 other flute parts to accompany it. Then my darbuka (brought home from Istanbul) and tambourine as rhythmic background with the djembe. Hope you enjoy!
The video is from a recent trip to Boulder CO; it was hard to find a place to swim outside there, and they set up the Boulder Reservoir for long swims a couple days a week. And I lingered on the Flatirons that loom above Boulder.